FILL A BAG FOR Good Samaritan Ministries
Many of the men who come to us at GSM for help are from the streets, jail, or situations where they have left everything behind. FILL A BAG FOR GSM is an ongoing project to provide each man who comes through our doors with the basics to begin over. We welcome anyone who would like to participate and appreciate those already involved! As we would like all the bags to contain the same items, we ask that you fill them with the following standard size products:
Body Wash / Shampoo
Wash Cloth
Body Lotion for Men
Deodorant (Solid/white or clear)
Toothbrush & Toothpaste
Dental Floss
Flip Flops (sizes 9,10,11)
Disposable Razor
Shaving Cream
Standard Size Pillow Case
Serving Spanish-speaking Churches in Texas. Mentoring others in how to study and apply God's truth.

Support Church:
Word for the World Bapt. Min.
P.O. Box 849
Rossville, GA 30741
Contact Info:
Richard Schenck
(804) 216-0621